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Ars Essentia Beaune - 9 place Felix Ziem - 21200 Beaune
Hours: Wenesday - Satursday 10:30 - 12:30 a.m. / 2 - 7 p.m.
Phone: +33 (0) 9 71 34 78 65
Contemporary art gallery:
Located in Beaune, Burgundy, in the heart of the vineyards, and close to Dijon, this art gallery was created by Mr. Cedric Le Borgne, who has a degree in Art History (Graduate of the École du Louvre).
The gallery presents emerging and established artists, as well as a selection of abstract works from the 1950s to the 1980s.
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Our artists:
Jean-No - César Baldaccini - Patrick Cambolin - Jean-François Laurent - Anma Guerra - Stéphane Braud - Tan-Jian-Chung - Jean-Jacques Ecorce - Luisa Debarnot - Jean-Guy Lattraye - Mr Kitsh - Jean Signovert - Michel Cadoret - Jean Helion - Gilles Morteveille - Isabelle Carabantes - Antonio Virduzzo - Romano Zanotti -
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